Organization chart

Hockey Corporate is managed by 5 hockey professionals :

Gaétan Derenne

Born in Namur, Gaétan Derenne is playing field hockey since he was 10 years old. Holding a commercial engineering degree, Gaëtan Derenne began his career as an external auditor in a Big Four company.

This professional experience inspired him to create a hockey tournament where the different companies could compete each other.

Gregory Uyttenhove

Passionate about the justice and the law, this Ghent laywer won already several umpire gold belgian whistle awards. At international level, Gregory Uyttenhove is part of the prestigious World Development Panel list.

His umpire devotion lead him to be elected as a member of the Belgian Inter-federal Olympic Committee in order to represent the Arbitration sector.

Patrick Dehout

During its foundation, the Ixelles Hockey Club contributed perfectly to the start of the Hockey Corporate and provided many additional ideas of developments of the concept thanks to the support of Patrick Dehout.

Patrick Dehout, ICT business consultant and solutions, helped for the supervision of the first editions.

Denis Van Damme

Royal Belgian Hockey Association

Created in 1907, the Royal Belgian Hockey Association is growing and developping field hockey in Belgium. Since the last years, the Belgian hockey has grown significantly through its members and results on international level.

Thanks to the impulsion of Denis Van Damme, Marketing and Communication Director, both associations are working more closely together and improve their mutual images.

Jean Christophe Capelle

Jean-Christophe Capelle worked during 7 years as General Secretary of the Royal Belgian Hockey Association between 2007 and 2013. He contributed largely to the development of the field hockey in Belgium.

As from 2009, he was elected as a Member Executive Board of the European Hockey Federation. Today, he brings his expertise as a Financial Director.

Become a sponsor

Broadcast your brand with Belgium’s most fast-growing field hockey tournaments organizer.

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Sponsoring manager : Mr. Gaétan Derenne