Terms & Conditions

Through your participation to a hockey Corporate event, we insist on the fact that you recognize the following terms and conditions :

  •  All our events are depending on the evolution of Covid measures decided by the government. Possible adaptations of the conditions may be decided in order to respect the future governmental decisions.
  • The organizing committee may decide in advance to cancel the event in case of Covid sanitary measures, adverse weather conditions or insufficient number of participants. If the event is fully cancelled 6 hours before the first match, the participation fee shall be refunded in its entirety.
  • By default, insurance of players is the responsibility of the players and/or their company. The organizing committee declines any and all responsibility in case of injury occurring during the Hockey tournament. Should you have a question or should you require more informations, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  • In case of “no show” or late cancellation (less than 1 month before the event), no refunds shall be granted.
  • The participating team allows the organizing committee to use the company logo on the time schedule board during their day of participation.
  • The event is co-organized by the ASBL Hockey Corporate and the local hockey club where the event takes place. The operational organization is the responsibility of the Club welcoming the event.
  • Hockey equipment will not be provided. Should you require assistance in providing equipment to the teams, we will do our best to offer our support.
  • Late payment penalty : If any payment is not timely made by the due date, extended by the payment reminder, a late payment penalty will be due as follow : 20 EUR for invoices with due amount below 150 EUR ; 30 EUR + 10% of the amount for invoices with due amount between 150,01 EUR and 500 EUR ; 65 EUR + 5% of the amount for invoices with due amount higher than 500 EUR.

Become a sponsor

Broadcast your brand with Belgium’s most fast-growing field hockey tournaments organizer.

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Sponsoring manager : Mr. Gaétan Derenne