Accidents & Insurance

In case of injury or accident, please proceed to the following procedure :

  1. Check internaly with your company if your accident is recognized as a work-related accident. In this case, this insurance might cover more than the below Arena insurance, limited to the following cover in FR or in NL.
  2. Inform Arena by completing and submitting the following form : in FR or in NL
  3. Please select “Couverture “Risques temporaires” souscrite séparément” in the FR form – page 1 or “Afzonderlijk onderschreven dekking “Tijdelijke Risico’s”” in the NL form – page 1.
  4. Then scan your fulfilled form and send it back to us for approval at
  5. Send the form by post to Arena, Avenue des Nerviens-Nerviërslaan 85 bte/bus 2, 1040 Bruxelles-Brussel
  6. Keep al your paid documents and invoices related to your injury (scan them all) and send them to your Mutuelles-Ziekenfonds.
  7. Once reimbursed by your Mutuelles-Ziekenfonds, send all paid documents and invoices again to Arena.
  8. Keep Arena informed about your recovery (aggravation, increase in waiting time for surgery, healing…) and send them all medical certificates.

We wish you a speedy recovery.

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Sponsoring manager : Mr. Gaétan Derenne